Assignment 8: Write a program to solve the travelling salesman problem. Print the path and the cost. (Branch and Bound).

Problem Statement: Write a program to solve the travelling salesman problem. Print the path and the cost. (Branch and Bound).


The branch and bound technique can be viewed as a generalization of backtracking for the optimization problems. A salesman has a given tour of a specified number of cities with distances between every pair of cities, starting from any one of these cities; he must make a tour, visiting each of the other cities only once and reach the final city. This task should be achieved in such a way that the total distance travelled should be minimized. The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is an algorithmic problem when focused on optimization; TSP is often used in computer science to find the most efficient route for data to travel between various nodes. 

TSP Problem : Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph with edge costs cij for the edge <i, j> Є E. If there is no edge between i and j then cij = infinity Let |V| = n and assume n > 1. A tour of G is a directed simple cycle that includes every vertex in V only once. The cost of the tour is the sum of the cost of edges on the tour. TSP is to find a tour of minimum cost.

Example : For the following directed graph represented as cost adjacency matrix (length of edges) find the optimal tour with shortest path length.

               0      1         2      3

      0   |   0 10 15 20  |

      1          |   5 0 9 10  |

      2   |   6 13 0 12  |

      3   |   8 8 9 0    |

Reduced Matrix :

A better cost function can be obtained by using Reduced Matrix. 

Row or column of cost  adjacency matrix is said to be reduced if and only if it contains at least one zero element and all remaining entries in that row or column > 0.

A matrix is reduced if and only if all rows and columns are reduced

Tour length (new) = Tour length (old) – Total value reduced.

We first rewrite the original cost adjacency matrix by replacing all diagonal elements from 0 to Infinity 


Time and space required depends upon number of nodes generated and which varies from instance to instance.

FIFO / LIFO search generates more nodes as compared to LC search

LC search takes O(log n) time to add a new node in Min-Heap.

In  practice for some of the instances FIFO / LIFO search may be more efficient than LC search 

In worst case all nodes of state space tree may get generated

Time  Complexity  = O(n!) 

Space Complexity  = O(n2) … space for reduced matrix


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <cstring>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;

// `N` is the total number of total nodes on the graph or cities on the map
#define N 5

// Sentinel value for representing `INFINITY`
#define INF INT_MAX

// State Space Tree nodes
struct Node
    // stores edges of the state-space tree
    // help in tracing the path when the answer is found
    vector<pair<int, int>> path;
    // stores the reduced matrix
    int reducedMatrix[N][N];
    // stores the lower bound
    int cost;
    // stores the current city number
    int vertex;
    // stores the total number of cities visited so far
    int level;

// Function to allocate a new node `(i, j)` corresponds to visiting city `j`
// from city `i
Node* newNode(int parentMatrix[N][N], vector<pair<int, int>> const &path,int level, int i, int j)
    Node* node = new Node;
    // stores ancestors edges of the state-space tree
    node->path = path;

    // skip for the root node
    if (level != 0)
        // add a current edge to the path
        node->path.push_back(make_pair(i, j));
    // copy data from the parent node to the current node
    memcpy(node->reducedMatrix, parentMatrix, sizeof node->reducedMatrix);

    // Change all entries of row `i` and column `j` to `INFINITY`
    // skip for the root node
    for (int k = 0; level != 0 && k < N; k++)
        // set outgoing edges for the city `i` to `INFINITY`
        node->reducedMatrix[i][k] = INF;
        // set incoming edges to city `j` to `INFINITY`
        node->reducedMatrix[k][j] = INF;

    // Set `(j, 0)` to `INFINITY`
    // here start node is 0
    node->reducedMatrix[j][0] = INF;

    // set number of cities visited so far
    node->level = level;

    // assign current city number
    node->vertex = j;

    // return node
    return node;

// Function to reduce each row so that there must be at least one zero in each row
int rowReduction(int reducedMatrix[N][N], int row[N])
    // initialize row array to `INFINITY`
    fill_n(row, N, INF);

    // `row[i]` contains minimum in row `i`
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            if (reducedMatrix[i][j] < row[i]) {
                row[i] = reducedMatrix[i][j];

    // reduce the minimum value from each element in each row
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            if (reducedMatrix[i][j] != INF && row[i] != INF) {
                reducedMatrix[i][j] -= row[i];

// Function to reduce each column so that there must be at least one zero
// in each column
int columnReduction(int reducedMatrix[N][N], int col[N])
    // initialize all elements of array `col` with `INFINITY`
    fill_n(col, N, INF);

    // `col[j]` contains minimum in col `j`
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            if (reducedMatrix[i][j] < col[j]) {
                col[j] = reducedMatrix[i][j];
    // reduce the minimum value from each element in each column
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            if (reducedMatrix[i][j] != INF && col[j] != INF) {
                reducedMatrix[i][j] -= col[j];

// Function to get the lower bound on the path starting at the current minimum node
int calculateCost(int reducedMatrix[N][N])
    // initialize cost to 0
    int cost = 0;

    // Row Reduction
    int row[N];
    rowReduction(reducedMatrix, row);

    // Column Reduction
    int col[N];
    columnReduction(reducedMatrix, col);

    // the total expected cost is the sum of all reductions
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        cost += (row[i] != INT_MAX) ? row[i] : 0,
            cost += (col[i] != INT_MAX) ? col[i] : 0;
    return cost;

// Function to print list of cities visited following least cost
void printPath(vector<pair<int, int>> const &list)
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        cout << list[i].first + 1 << " —> " << list[i].second + 1 << endl;

// Comparison object to be used to order the heap
struct comp
    bool operator()(const Node* lhs, const Node* rhs) const {
        return lhs->cost > rhs->cost;

// Function to solve the traveling salesman problem using Branch and Bound
int solve(int costMatrix[N][N])
    // Create a priority queue to store live nodes of the search tree
    priority_queue<Node*, vector<Node*>, comp> pq;
    vector<pair<int, int>> v;

    // create a root node and calculate its cost.
    // The TSP starts from the first city, i.e., node 0
    Node* root = newNode(costMatrix, v, 0, -1, 0);

    // get the lower bound of the path starting at node 0
    root->cost = calculateCost(root->reducedMatrix);
    // Add root to the list of live nodes

    // Finds a live node with the least cost, adds its children to the list of
    // live nodes, and finally deletes it from the list
    while (!pq.empty())
        // Find a live node with the least estimated cost
        Node* min =;
        // The found node is deleted from the list of live nodes
        // `i` stores the current city number
        int i = min->vertex;
        // if all cities are visited
        if (min->level == N - 1)
            // return to starting city
            min->path.push_back(make_pair(i, 0));
            // print list of cities visited
            // return optimal cost
            return min->cost;

        // do for each child of min
        // `(i, j)` forms an edge in a space tree
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            if (min->reducedMatrix[i][j] != INF)
                // create a child node and calculate its cost
                Node* child = newNode(min->reducedMatrix, min->path,
                    min->level + 1, i, j);

                /* Cost of the child =
                    cost of the parent node +
                    cost of the edge(i, j) +
                    lower bound of the path starting at node j
                child->cost = min->cost + min->reducedMatrix[i][j]
                            + calculateCost(child->reducedMatrix);
                // Add a child to the list of live nodes
        // free node as we have already stored edges `(i, j)` in vector.
        // So no need for a parent node while printing the solution.
        delete min;

int main()
    // cost matrix for traveling salesman problem.
    int costMatrix[N][N] =
        {INF, 5, INF, 6, 5, 4},
        {5, INF, 2, 4, 3, INF},
        {INF, 2, INF, 1, INF, INF},
        {6, 4, 1, INF, 7, INF},
        {5, 3, INF, 7, INF, 3},
        {4, INF, INF, INF, 3, INF}
    // cost 34
    int costMatrix[N][N] =
        { INF, 10, 8, 9, 7 },
        { 10, INF, 10, 5, 6 },
        { 8, 10, INF, 8, 9 },
        { 9, 5, 8, INF, 6 },
        { 7, 6, 9, 6, INF }
    // cost 16
    int costMatrix[N][N] =
        {INF, 3, 1, 5, 8},
        {3, INF, 6, 7, 9},
        {1, 6, INF, 4, 2},
        {5, 7, 4, INF, 3},
        {8, 9, 2, 3, INF}
    // cost 8
    int costMatrix[N][N] =
        {INF, 2, 1, INF},
        {2, INF, 4, 3},
        {1, 4, INF, 2},
        {INF, 3, 2, INF}

    // cost 12
    int costMatrix[N][N] =
        {INF, 5, 4, 3},

        {3, INF, 8, 2},

        {5, 3, INF, 9},

        {6, 4, 3, INF}
    cout << "\n\nTotal cost is " << solve(costMatrix);
    return 0;


Code Reference : 

